Archives for November 2009

This a selection of John’s recent work. All his travel stories are published at:

Eat Drink Travel


  • A helping hand March 9, 2014 A helping handWhat do an Irish dentist, a hairdresser, a wood-recycler and a retailer of handmade goods have in common? All of them have stronger and more successful Wellington businesses after they brought in a business mentor. They ...
  • Fighting  ‘P’  December 5, 2013 Stopping Illegal Imports (an article commissioned by NZ Customs and published in their on line magazine Contraband in June 2013) On the frontline of New Zealand’s border protection against illegal drugs, Customs officers have a strong ...
  • Under the radar November 6, 2013 Under the radarA few years ago Ian McKinnon helped set up a gardening project at Central Apartments, a council-owned social housing venture. Once a month they and the reSidents weeded, trimmed, planted and tidied up. “I am a ...
  • Our sense of self is changing November 6, 2009 A recent poll of New Zealanders’views about our national flag raises the intriguing possibility of the country displaying two flags at events of national importance. Four out of 10 New Zealanders favoured having a Maori flag ...