Archives for 2012

This a selection of John’s recent work. All his travel stories are published at:

Eat Drink Travel


  • Bill English – Minister of Infrastructure January 11, 2012 Think Discuss Evolve  “We’ve come a long way on infrastructure,” the Hon. Bill English says.  Looking back on three years as New Zealand’s first Minister of Infrastructure, Bill English pronounces the high level of consensus on the ...
  • Driving growth December 8, 2011 More money than ever before is being spent on the nation’s main roads in the name of economic growth and improved productivity. The Roads of National Significance programme (RONS) is tangible evidence of the National-led Government’s ...
  • Big Numbers and High Hopes September 15, 2011 Seventeen billion dollars is being spent by central and local government on new infrastructure over the next four years. The numbers sound impressive: $7.6 billion on social assets like schools, hospitals, state houses and prisons ...