Archives for July 2013

This a selection of John’s recent work. All his travel stories are published at:

Eat Drink Travel


  • Healthy Connections July 17, 2013 Connected Health is a model for healthcare delivery that uses technology to provide healthcare remotely. It “aims to maximise healthcare resources and provide increased, flexible opportunities for consumers to engage with clinicians and better self-manage ...
  • Transmission Gully September 10, 2012 It could be the road that has been longest in planning, and even though it now has the go-ahead, it could still be nine years before a single private vehicle moves along its whole length. The ...
  • Skills shortage July 12, 2012 A shortage of skills in engineering and related professional areas is affecting the building and construction sector, but opinion is divided about how severe the effects are. A lack of experienced seismic and geotechnical engineers in ...
  • The sharp edge March 20, 2012 While most fire engineers are in private practice, James Firestone is with the engineering unit of the New Zealand Fire Service. Among other things, his work involves reviewing and commenting on fire safety matters in applications ...
  • Marine power March 12, 2012 Marine energy devices could conceivably generate as much electricity as is generated from all current sources. However, while even the most passionate advocates of marine energy agree the full potential of marine energy generation will ...